Articles scientifiques
Articles scientifiques 2025
Fiorentino, Marion, Robinson Gravier-Dumonceau Mazelier, Nathan Yanwou, August Eubanks, Perrine Roux, Christian Laurent, et Bruno Spire. 2025. « Marriage and Steady Relationships with Women in Men Who Have Sex with Men in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Mixed-Method Systematic...
Articles scientifiques 2024
Achour, Jannett, Diane Abulizi, Alain Makinson, Cédric Arvieux, Fabrice Bonnet, Cécile Goujard, Oriane Lambert, et al. 2024. « One-Year Frailty Transitions Among Persons With HIV Aged 70 Years or Older on Antiretroviral Treatment ». Open Forum Infectious Diseases...
Articles scientifiques 2023
Bonnet M, Vasiliu A, Tchounga BK, et al (2023) Effectiveness of a community-based approach for the investigation and management of children with household tuberculosis contact in Cameroon and Uganda: a cluster-randomised trial. The Lancet Global Health 11:e1911–e1921....
Articles scientifiques 2022
Landman R., de Truchis P., Assoumou L., Lambert S., Bellet J., Amat K., Lefebvre B., Allavena C., Katlama C., Yazdanpanah Y., Molina J.-M., Petrov-Sanchez V., Gibowski S., Alvarez J. C., Leibowitch J., Capeau J., Fellahi S., Duracinsky M., Morand-Joubert L.,...
Articles scientifiques 2021
Bistoquet M., Makinson A., Tribout V., Perrollaz C., Bourrel G., Reynes J., et Oude Engberink A.,Pre-exposure prophylaxis makes it possible to better live one’s sexuality and guide men who have sex with men towards a responsible approach to their health: a...
Articles scientifiques 2020
Coulaud P.-J., Sagaon-Teyssier L., Mimi M., M’madi Mrenda B., Maradan G., Mora M., Bourrelly M., Keita B. D., Keita A. A., Anoma C., Babo Yoro S.-A., Dah T. T. E., Coulibaly C., Mensah E., Agbomadji S., Bernier A., Couderc C., Laurent C., Spire B., et CohMSM Study...
Articles scientifiques 2019
Avila E., Tagg N., Willie J., Mbohli D., Farfan M. A., Vargas J. M., Bonat W. H., Dupain J., Epanda M. A., Luyten I., Tedonzong L., Peeters Martine, Fa J. E., Interpreting long-term trends in bushmeat harvest in southeast Cameroon, Acta Oecologica : International...
Articles scientifiques 2018
Mercié P., Arsandaux J., Katlama C., Ferret S., Beuscart A., Spadone C., Duvivier C., Reynes J., Wirth N., Moinot L., Bénard A., Zucman D., Duval X., Molina J.-M., Spire B., Fagard C., Chêne G., Allaguy-Salachy H., Arsandaux J., Aubin H.-J., Bénard A., Bernard-Henry...
Articles scientifiques 2017
Ayouba A., Touré A., Butel C., Keita A. K., Binetruy F., Sow M. S., Foulongne V., Delaporte E., et Peeters M., Development of a Sensitive and Specific Serological Assay Based on Luminex Technology for Detection of Antibodies to Zaire Ebola Virus, J. Clin. Microbiol.,...
Articles scientifiques 2016
O’Hanlon S. J., Slater H. C., Cheke R. A., Boatin B. A., Coffeng L. E., Pion S. D. S., Boussinesq M., Zouré H. G. M., Stolk W. A., et Basáñez M.-G., Model-Based Geostatistical Mapping of the Prevalence of Onchocerca volvulus in West Africa, PLOS Neglected Tropical...